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Friday, November 20, 2020

How to check if bank account is linked to Aadhaar

The government has made it mandatory for people to link their Aadhaar with their bank account. Banks have also been given the authority to deactivate accounts that are not linked with Aadhaar. The process of linking your account with Aadhaar can be done both online and offline. As per the latest directive by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, it is mandatory to link the bank account with Aadhaar Card by 31st March 2021.

Here's a step-by-step guide to check whether your Aadhaar has been linked with your bank account.

1. Visit the Aadhaar website -

2. Click on 'Check Aadhaar/Bank Account Linking Status' in the 'My Aadhaar' tab under the Aadhaar services option.

3. Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number or 16 digit Virtual ID and security code as shown on the screen. Once submitted, an OTP will be sent to your mobile number registered in the Aadhaar database.

4. Enter the OTP and click on 'Login'. Remember the OTP received by you is valid for 10 minutes only.

5. On successful login, the website shows whether your Aadhaar number is successfully mapped or not.

Points to remember

It will only show you the last bank account that has been linked with your Aadhaar.

If you have multiple bank accounts, you will have to check the status of the same with the bank.

You will be able to use this service only if your mobile number is linked to your Aadhaar.

Want to file your ITR Return Free

Join Industrial Accounting & Taxation Training With 100% Job Placement


15, Bhande Plot Umred Road Nagpur.

Call : 9604121000

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Monday, November 9, 2020

Who has to file income tax return mandatorily?


Who has to file income tax return mandatorily?

Filing income tax return (ITR) is a way of informing the government about the total income that you have earned during a particular financial year and that you have paid taxes on that income accordingly. As per current income tax laws, it is only mandatory for an individual to file ITR if his/her income/expenditure/investments meet certain defined criteria.

Mandatorily filing of income tax return

As per income tax laws, ITR must be mandatorily filed if a resident individual's total income during the financial year exceeds the basic exemption limit. Remember, the basic exemption limit for an individual depends on his/her age. For FY 2019-20, the basic exemption limit is as follows:

Age of an individual

Basic exemption limit (Rs)

Below 60 years of age


Between 60 and 80 years of age (Senior citizen)


80 years and above (Super Citizen)


Thus, if your gross total income exceeds the amount mentioned in the table above (depending on your age), you will have to mandatorily file income tax return.

When your gross total income does not exceed basic exemption limit

In certain cases, even if the gross total income does not exceed the exemption limits as mentioned above, you have to mandatorily file income tax return. As per current income tax law, income tax return for FY 2019-20 must be mandatorily filed before December 31, 2020 if:

A)Individual has spent an amount or aggregate of amounts exceeding Rs 2 lakh for himself/herself or any other person for travel to a foreign country;

B)Individual has deposited an amount or aggregate of amounts exceeding Rs 1 crore in one or more current accounts maintained with a bank or co-operative bank;

C)Individual has paid electricity bill exceeding Rs 1 lakh in a single bill or on aggregate basis during the financial year;

D)Ordinarily resident individual having income from foreign countries and/or assets in foreign countries and/or having signing authority in any account outside India; and

E)If an individual's gross total income exceeds the exemption limit before claiming tax exemption on capital gains under section 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54F, 54G, 54GA or 54GB.

The Income-tax Act, 1961 was amended via the Finance Act, 2019 to make ITR filing mandatory even if gross total income is below exemption limit if an individual has deposited Rs 1 crore or more in current account, spent Rs 2 lakh or more on foreign travel or paid electricity bill of Rs 1 lakh or more in a particular financial year.

What if you opt for new tax regime in FY 2020-21?

From FY 2020-21, an individual has the option to either opt for the existing/old tax regime and continue to claim tax exemptions such as house rent allowance, leave travel allowance etc and deductions under section 80C, 80D etc. or opt for the new concessional tax regime without any tax exemptions and deductions (except for section 80CCD(2)).

Remember, the basic exemption limit will depend on the tax regime chosen by an individual. For FY 2020-21, if an individual chooses the old tax regime, then the basic exemption limit will be the same as mentioned in the table above. On the other hand, if an individual chooses the new concessional tax regime, then the basic exemption limit of Rs 2.5 lakh will be applicable irrespective of age of individual i.e. whether he/she is a senior/super senior citizen or not.

If an individual opts for the new tax regime in FY 2020-21 and his/her gross total income exceeds Rs 2.5 lakh, then he/she will be mandatorily required to file income tax return.

Want to file your ITR Return Free

Join Industrial Accounting & Taxation Training With 100% Job Placement


15, Bhande Plot Umred Road Nagpur.

Call : 9604121000

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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tally Shortcut keys


What are theShortcut Keys We can Use While Passing a Voucher Entry in Tally.ERP 9?

Short cut Type


F1 : Shut Company

·         Short cuts with single underline

·         With single line means ALT is the additional key used with the key displayed

·         For example ALT + F1 is the shortcut for shutting the Company

F8 : Credit Note

·         Short cut with double underline

·         With double line means CTRL is the additional key used with the key displayed in the screen

·         For example  CTRL + F8 is the shortcut key for selecting Credit Note Voucher

F2 : Date -

·         The shortcut with no underline

·         With no line means only the displayed key is the shortcut key of that function

·         For example F2 is the key for date

Can We Use Shortcut Keys to Select Voucher Types?

Voucher Short cut keys shortcuts related to accessing voucher type for entering transactions. This include payment voucher, receipt voucher, purchase, sales voucher. There are buttons available for each and every accounting, inventory voucher types. But tally gives you the most user friendly way to access a voucher.

Shortcut Key

What is the function

Where to find

F1 :

To select the company or to open the company

On Gateway of Tally

CTRL + F1 :                 

To select payroll voucher from Inventory Voucher/Accounting Screen

On Gateway of Tally > Inventory Voucher/Accounting Voucher > Payroll Voucher

CTRL + F2 :

To select Sales Order Voucher from Accounting Voucher/ Inventory Voucher Screen

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher/ Inventory Voucher > Sales Voucher

CTRL + F4 :

To select Purchase Order Voucher from Accounting Voucher Screen

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher / Inventory Voucher > Purchase Order Voucher

CTRL + F10 :

To select memorandum voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher / Inventory Voucher > Memorandum Voucher

CTRL + F8 :

To select Credit Note Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Credit Note

F8 :

To Select Sales Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Sales Voucher

F9 :

To select Purchase Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Purchase Voucher

F7 :

To select Journal Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Journal Voucher

F6 :

To select Receipts Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Receipts Voucher

F5 :

To select Payments Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Payments Voucher

F4 :

To Select Contra Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Contra Voucher

ALT + J :

To select Job work out order voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher / Inventory Voucher > Job Work Out Order

ALT + W :

To select Job work in order Voucher

On Gateway of Tally > Accounting Voucher  > Job work in order Voucher

What are the Shortcut Keys We can Use While Passing a Voucher Entry in Tally.ERP 9?

Shortcut Key

Shortcut key function

Where to use

ESC : -

To remove what has been typed into the data field while preparing a voucher

At all data entry or typing field

ALT + D  : -

To delete a voucher/ To delete a master

All the reports screen which can be viewed in columnar format

ALT + C : -

To create a master

At Voucher entry screen

ALT + X : -

To cancel a voucher

From day book or list of vouchers

CTRL + A : -

To accept a form

Wherever you use this key combination, that screen or report gets accepted as it is. This is a quick save option

CTRL + V : -

To toggle between invoice and voucher mode

At creation of Sales/ Purchase Voucher screen

ALT + I : -

Insert a Voucher

When you want to toggle between Item and Accounting Invoice

ALT + 2 : -

To duplicate a voucher

At sales ledger/ day book/ Ledgers > Place the cursor on the entry and press this short cut key to duplicate a Voucher

CTRL + N : -

To switch to calculator

During all data entry

Shortcuts to Use While Generating Reports in Tally.ERP 9

These report specific Shortcut keys enhance the way you view and print the report of Tally.ERP 9.

Shortcut key

Key function

Where to use

ALT + N : -

To view the reports in automatic columns

Multiple column’s at all reports, Trail balance, Cash / bank books, group summary and journal register

ALT + R : -

To remove / hide the line in a report

At all reports screen

ALT + P : -

To print the report

At all reports screen

ALT + E : -

To export the report in ASCII, Excel, HTML, PDF, XML format

At all reports screen

ALT + F1 : -

To view detailed report

At all reports screen

Shortcut Keys Related to GST in Tally.ERP 9

Tally ERP 9 is fully compatible with latest GST Compliance. Here there are few shortcuts for managing GST with tally.

Shortcut key


Where to use

Alt + J : -

To get statutory adjustment voucher

In journal voucher, In all GSTR Reports

Alt + S : -

To get statutory payment voucher

In payment voucher

CTRL + O : -

To open GST portal

In all GSTR Report

CTRL + E : -

To export return

In all GSTR Report

CTRL + A : -

To view accepted as it is

In all GSTR Report

15, Bhande Plot Umred Road Nagpur.
Call : 9604121000

Sunday, November 1, 2020

How to Check Which Mobile Number is linked with Aadhar Card

अक्सर लोगों को ये नहीं पता होता कि उनका कौनसा नंबर आधार कार्ड से लिंक है. ऐसे में हम आपको आज बताएंगे कि इसके बारे में आप कैसे पता लगा सकते हैं. हम किसी वजह से अपना मोबाइल नंबर बदल लेते हैं और इसी नंबर्स की अदला बदली में ये भूल जाते हैं कि हमारा कौनसा मोबाइल नंबर आधार कार्ड से लिंक है. आज हम आपको बताएंगे कि इसके बारे में आप कैसे पता लगा सकते हैं. इसके अलावा आप ये भी जान सकते हैं कि आपका नंबर आधार से लिंक है भी या नहीं 

आधार में लिंक मोबाइल नंबर पता लगाने के लिए ये स्टेप करें फॉलो
1. इसके लिए सबसे पहले आपको UIDAI पर जाना होगा.
2. इसके बाद आपको एक ऑप्शन मिलेगा My Aadhar का आप जैसे ही इस पर कर्सर लेकर जाएंगे आपको एक और ऑप्शन मिलेगा.
3. कर्सर लाने के बाद आपको एक Aadhar Services का ऑप्शन दिखाई देगा.
4. Aadhar Services पर पहला ही ऑप्शन होगा Verify an Aadhar Number
5. इस पर क्लिक करते ही एक नई विंडो खुलेगी जहां आपको अपना या जिसका आप चेक करना चाहते उसका आधार नंबर डालना होगा और उसके नीचे कैप्चा को भरना होगा.
6. इतना करने के बाद आपको प्रोसीड टू वेरिफाई के लिंक पर क्लिक करना होगा.
7. जैसे ही आप इस पर क्लिक करेंगे तो आधार का स्टेटस दिखाई देगा.
8. इसमें ये कई डिटेल्स को वेरिफाई करेगा जैसे आधार नंबरए उम्र राज्य और मोबाइल नंबर
9. अगर आपके आधार से कोई नंबर लिंक नहीं होगा तो वहां पर कुछ नहीं लिखा होगा, इसका मतलब ये है कि आपके आधार से कोई नंबर नहीं जुड़ा है.
10.वहीं अगर आपके आधार से कोई मोबाइल नंबर जुड़ा हुआ है तो यहां नंबर के आखिरी तीन डिजिट दिखाई देंगे.
11.ऐसे आप पता लगा सकते हैं कि आपके आधार के साथ कौनसा मोबाइल नंबर जुड़ा हुआ है.

आयकर रिटर्न भरने की अभी से कर लें तैयारीए इन चीजों का रखें ध्यान

कोर्स करणे के लिये क्लिक करे

AIAT Institute, 

15 Bhande Plot, Umreed Road, Near Shitlamata Mandir Nagpur

Mob. 9604121000