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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tally Prime Shortcut Keys


Tally Prime Shortcut Keys

Shortcut Keys



Alt + G


This is one of the most important shortcut keys of Tally Prime. Its uses for GO TO feature, which is used to create any new master, voucher or view any report while already busy working with some work.

Ctrl + G

Switch To

It uses to Switch To any report and you can use any option listed in the

menu like create a voucher, create or alter master and so on. Switch To

Alt + K

Company Menu

This key is used for the company menu in Tally Prime where you will find all the options related to the company.

Alt + Y

Manage Company Data

Its uses for the Data menu in the top bar.

Tally Prime Company Data Menu

Alt + Z

Exchange Company Data

It’s for the next menu in the top bar, which is used for the exchange

company data like make change in data synchronization.Tally Prime Exchange menu

Alt + O

Import Feature of the Company

It’s for the Import menu in the top bar. If you want to import company

master, transactions and bank details, you can use Alt + O. Import Data

Alt + E


It uses to export any data from tally into excel, jpeg, pdf, xml etc.

Export Company Data

Alt + M


This key use for the Email menu in the top bar. If you want to email any

report directly from the tally, you can do this with this key.Email Data

Alt + P


Its use for Print Menu in the top bar. If you want to Print the currentwindow, ledger, sale voucher, daybook, can use this option.

Print Data

Company Shortcut Keys



Change Company

If you are already into a company and want to switch to a different company, you have to press F3.

Change Company

Alt + F3

Switch Company

Switch to a Company located on the same path.

Select Company

Ctrl + F3

Shut Company

Use to close or shut any open company.

Shut Company


Open Company Feature

It uses to open or make changes in the feature of open companies like

Accounting, Inventory, Taxation, Online Access, Payroll and Others.

Company Features


Set Configuration

F12 is used to set or change the configuration of the opened window like if you are into the ledger, it opens the ledger configuration or you are

in the voucher it opens the voucher configuration and the same for the item. Company Configuration

General Tally Shortcut Keys


Alt + Z


If you want to print the current voucher and want to zoom the screen,

you can use this key.

Ctrl + K

Change Display language

You can change the display language of tally with this key. Select Display Language in Tally

Ctrl + W

Change Data Language

If you want to enter data into tally in a different language then tally has few languages for you like Bengali, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu etc. Select Data Entry Language

Alt + I


If you want to insert, you can use Alt + I.

Alt + 2

Duplicate Entry

It uses to duplicate any entry.

Ctrl + A  


It uses to save any entry.

Alt + D


If you want to delete any entry, column etc. Basically, it’s a delete

shortcut  key.

Alt + A  


This key is used to add anything like add voucher etc.

Ctrl + R  


This is a delete key for tally, if you want to delete the entry you can

do it with this shortcut key.

Alt + U  

Undo All at Once

Let assume, you have removed more than one entry one by one by Ctrl + R.

Now you want to recover or undo all entry at once, it can be done with

this shortcut key.

Ctrl + U

Undo One by One

It same as above, the difference is that it recovers all entries one by one.

Shift + Enter

View Detail of any Entry

It shows details of any entry without opening it. Voucher Details

Alt + F1 or Alt + F5  

View Details of All Entries at Once

It’s similar to the above, just the difference is that it opens details of all entries at once.

All Voucher Details

Ctrl + Enter  


To alter anything in tally like alter master, voucher, etc.


Select Entry

To select any single entry.

Ctrl + Space

Select All

To select all entries at once.

Alt + C

Add Column

If you want to see 2 year comparison then you can add column with this key.

Alt + F12  

Add Filters

If you want to add filters in any reporting, you can do this with this

shortcut key.

Ctrl + J  

Exceptional Report

This shortcut key is used when you want to use exceptional reports like

optional vouchers, canceled vouchers and Post Dated Voucher.

Exception Reports



This key is used to add contra entry.



This key is used to enter payment entry.



You can add a receive entry with this key.



This key use for journal entries.

Alt + F7

Stock Journal

Use to enter Stock Journal and Manufacturing entries.

Voucher Type

Ctrl + F7

Physical Stock

This key is used to add Physical Stock entries.



This key is used to add Sales entries.

Alt + F8

Delivery Note

To add Delivery note entry.

Ctrl + F8

Sales Order

If you have received a purchase order from any party then you can use

this shortcut key to add a Sales order entry.



It uses to reach on Purchase entry window.

Alt + F9

Receipt Note

If you received an item from any part then you can use this shortcut key

to add receipt note entry.

Alt + F6

Credit Note

To add an entry in credit note.

Alt + F5

Debit Note

To add an entry in Debit Note. If you have purchase something and now

want to return we use this option. You can also say it Purchase return.

Ctrl + F4


If you want to add entries in Payroll you can use this key.

Ctrl + F6

Rejections In

To add an entry in Rejections in.

Ctrl + F5

Rejections Out

To add an entry in Rejections Out.


List of Voucher Types

This key is used to show the List of Voucher Types with their shortcut keys.

Change Voucher Type

Alt + R  

Rewrite Narration

If you want to paste the same narration as the last one you can just

simply use this shortcut key and the last narration will paste


Ctrl + T  

Post Dated Voucher

To mark any voucher as a post-dated voucher.

Alt + D  


To Delete any transaction, voucher etc.

Ctrl + H  

Change Modes

To change modes to a single entry, double entry etc.

Change Voucher Mode

Alt + S  

Stock Query Report

This key is used to check the stock query report.

Stock Query

Ctrl + L  

Optional Voucher

You can use this key to mark any voucher as Optional.

Alt + C



It uses to create a new entry in the current window as if you are in

voucher it creates a new voucher, in case of the ledger it creates

ledger and same for items also.

Ctrl + N


It used to open an inbuilt calculator on any screen.


Ctrl + Alt + C or Ctrl + C


Both Commands are used to copy the content in tally.

Ctrl + Alt + V or Ctrl + V


Both Commands are used to paste the content in tally.

Ctrl + E  

Export Current Voucher

It uses to export the currently open voucher in your desire format.

Ctrl + M  

Email Current Voucher

It uses to email the currently open voucher.

Ctrl + P  

Print Current Voucher

It uses to print the currently open voucher.

Alt + X  

Cancel Current Voucher

It uses to cancel the currently open voucher.

Alt +F2

Change Period

If you want to change the tax period, this key is for you.



It uses to escape from the current window or to exit from the currently

open window. If you press it two times it will also ask you to quit from

Tally. You have to simply press Y for YES and N for NO.

Alt + F4  

Close Tally

To exit from Tally

Ctrl + Q

Close Tally

There are so many ways to exit from tally you can either close from

mouse, press ESC or just press Ctrl + Q.

Ctrl + Alt + R  

Repair Company

To rewrite data or repair any company data.

Repair Company

Ctrl + Alt + T

Load TDL

It uses to load TDL

Ctrl + F9

Purchase Order

These keys can be used to issue a purchase order or add a new entry.

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Tally Prime Shortcut Keys

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